Wednesday 13 January 2010

Editing and Solo Project

Shamima and Fahimah have been working on creating credits for the opening sequence. The main focus of this week was to make sure that most of the editing was near completion as we did not have all the shots we needed. some of these shots include, a night montage sequence, and the finale of our clip which is the main character walking through a door. It may seem easy but it involves multiple shots to engage the audience.

The billboard poster for my solo project is also near completion as i just have to add a few finishing touches to the poster. i created the poster using Adobe Photoshop cs3. The size of a billboard poster is measured in sheets a normal poster would be 4 sheet (1016mm x 1524) and a bus stop poster is 6 sheet. However, a billboard poster is a 48 sheet.

For example, this is a 48 sheet billboard poster

In order to create the poster i had to scale it down to create the poster using the same page layout.

Monday 4 January 2010

Solo Project

This week we are trying to focus on getting the editing is done and making sure that the sequence is in order and complete. So once we shoot some of the footage that we missed out we just simply place them were their supposed to be in the sequence.

Within today's lesson majority of the editing is complete and we started our solo projects i chose to do a poster as my knowledge in graphic design and photography will come in handy. Using adobe photoshop i created a canvas the size of a billboard (16 sheet) poster. I'm hoping to do a photo shoot of Simon the actor who play the detective James Parker (MPD) for my poster.

Monday 14 December 2009

Second Shoot

We managed to film most of the scenes that we needed with a few problems that we encountered with filming the scenes.The opening montage sequence were shot as planned. The only problems were with the police station as we were not allowed to film outside the station and we were unable shoot the scene with the door as we could not find Someone to let us film the door.

On the Friday we found a location for this scene using Tom Williams room we managed to get the full scene of the chief's phone conversational with dean's friend playing the part of the Secretary. except for the few mistakes i was pleased in how much we have and how much we have yet to do.

In today's lesson we began uploading the new footage onto the macs and we finally managed to order the sequence of the shots and editing the ident to our preference.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Discussion and Coming up to the second shoot

In class we discussed what we needed to do in order to complete the Day scenes of the crime drama.we booked the camera for the weekend but we decided to shoot on the Friday evening and the Saturday morning as we only needed

To Do List
  • Montage shots for the opening title sequence
  • (XCU) of right eye for p1(1st personality) the police officer
  • Low angle shot of p1 entering the police HQ
  • (CU) on door handle as he enters the office.
We agreed that we shoot the (Dean) chief's phone conversation with Secretary on the Friday afternoon as the atmosphere and lighting will create a better mood for the scene.

Friday - a classroom in the college it doesn't really matter as long we have a window sill and a window to look out from.
Saturday - (in the city centre) Preferably the German market will be our location for the opening montage sequence as we expect many people to come on the Saturday. For the police station we discussed that we will shoot outside an actual police station in the city centre (with permission).

Monday 7 December 2009

First Shoot

In the first shoot the camera was booked overnight and it went well we managed to get all the night shots that we wanted plus some other shots i discovered. i managed to persuade an office which was directly above the alley and we got a high angle shot from one of their windows.

We did come across some problems with the camera as it did not work properly while i was shooting the first half of the night sequence. however we decided that we will have to shoot the scenes that we missed the next time we book the camera.

We all had a good time especially the people who acted for us(we only had 3 actors). they were amazed that we were only going to use 3 minutes even though we filmed for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Monday 30 November 2009

Coming up to the first shoot.

Our team decided on thursday we do our first shoot. we did have a few problems finding actors to play the part of the side kick. in the end we found someone who fits the part. i an going to check our location and see if there are any other shots that i may find. i also found an office that has an overview of the allyway were the shooting is going to take place and the manager that owns the office have us permission to shoot from the office window. When we complete the footage Fahimah with the help of Dean will both be editing the footage. i am confident that we shall complete the first sequence which is the chase scene hopefully in one piece.

Wednesday 25 November 2009


This week in our lesson we discussed how and when we were going to shoot our crime drama. i decided to use my shot list as a check list to unsure that i have all the shots that we need. on the other hand, we also discussed that there might be a few extra shots that we might stumble on as we film the sequence. within our discussion we pointed out some problems that will occur while shooting the sequence. For example, while shooting the sequence in a low key environment because there might be a risk of the shot coming out grainy so as a solution to this Shamima is bringing a torch in to brighten our scene.

Currently i have a main character, a person to play the female dead body, and a police chief. The only character is left to find is a person to play the side kick. i have a some possible candidates but a few are unsure whether they can make it.