Wednesday 13 January 2010

Editing and Solo Project

Shamima and Fahimah have been working on creating credits for the opening sequence. The main focus of this week was to make sure that most of the editing was near completion as we did not have all the shots we needed. some of these shots include, a night montage sequence, and the finale of our clip which is the main character walking through a door. It may seem easy but it involves multiple shots to engage the audience.

The billboard poster for my solo project is also near completion as i just have to add a few finishing touches to the poster. i created the poster using Adobe Photoshop cs3. The size of a billboard poster is measured in sheets a normal poster would be 4 sheet (1016mm x 1524) and a bus stop poster is 6 sheet. However, a billboard poster is a 48 sheet.

For example, this is a 48 sheet billboard poster

In order to create the poster i had to scale it down to create the poster using the same page layout.

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