Monday 12 October 2009

Ten Shot Challenge: Editing Stage

Our group in media lesson was given a task to edit our clips of our ten shot that we created of the tour guide of Joseph Chamberlain College. To make this task easier our teacher split us up further into two groups so we each have a have our own outcomes of how the footage should be edited. Our two groups took turns on digitizing the footage that we needed (the ten shots) on to the apple Mac computers. I found this stage difficult to grasp in the beginning of the lesson but as the lesson progressed I got used to the programme and it became easier to digitize. In the end we managed to finish digitizing all of our ten shots.

1 comment:

  1. It's a little brief. I would like more detail in your account of what went well (and what didn't) you could discuss the new skills that you have developed and how well you worked together as a group.
