Sunday 15 November 2009

Filming The Sequence
Our group discussed how the opening sequence was going to be filmed and the shots needed to create the sequence. The P1 and P2 stands for Personalities 1 and 2.
  • In the opening of the scene there will be a montage sequence (portraying the busy life in the city) this will also establish the environment where the scene will be shot.
  • P.O.V -The next scene is where (P2)is standing over the body and this where a P.O.V and a (CU) shot of both the female victim and (P2) is going to create that sense of understanding that he is the killer/criminal.
  • Over Shoulder - once we establish that he is the criminal. An over shoulder shot of (P2),as the side kick walks by noticing the crime AND THE CHASE BEGINS.
  • High Angle of (P2) running out of the street/ally-way (LS).
  • Pan of (P2) running into the main road while (Whip Pan)the side kick chases after him(LS).
  • Tracking shot of both the side kick and (P2) while running (MLS).
  • When (P2) turns into a corner while the side kick follows him round. However, once we see the other side of the corner we only see the sidekick running in the same direction(MLS).
  • Then (P2) steps out of the darkness and the change over occurs.
  • A XCU of the left eye then a XCU of the right eye to show the change over of the two personalities.
  • Low angle (P1) entering the police HQ (LS)
  • The chief having a conversation on the phone “We need our best man on this case send him in”. (MS) on the chief.
  • CU on door handle and (MLS) on the door then (P1) walks in through the door.



Shamima gave us a task to find a setting of where it is going to take place and we managed to find a few possible location (with the help of Dean) for our opening sequence.

This picture is an establishing shot of Birmingham's skyline.

this is a possible location where the chase scene is going occur i found at the back entrance of the Pallasades in the City centre.

This is another location for the chase scene.

This was an alleyway which i found round the corner from where the Pallasades was. This place would be great for when the change over happens

1 comment:

  1. Good level of detail, your groups ideas are clearly coming together. Keep up the good work.
